Command Line Flags Function
-c,-config,-configuration <path>

Runs DATA RECON using a specified configuration file.

This configuration file can be generated by the DATA RECON GUI. For details, see Configuring Scans for CARD RECON.
.-export <path> Sets the location where a list of matches will be saved. Export formats:
  • PDF
  • TXT
  • CSV
  • XML
-h,-help Displays all the command-line options available.
-j,-journal <file>

Specify the location to save the database journal file.

If specified database journal file exists, DATA RECON will load the file.

See Save and Load Options.

-journal-overwrite Overwrite the database journal file specified with the -journal option if the database journal file already exists.
-journal-resume Use the data specified with the -journal option to recover and resume an interrupted search.

Upon resuming, DATA RECON retries the location which was being searched at the time of interruption.
-journal-skip Use the results database specified with the -journal option to recover and resume an interrupted search.
Upon resuming, DATA RECON will skip the file which was being searched when the search was interrupted.
-l, -license <path> Sets the location of the OFFLINE LICENSE FILE. See Offline Licenses.
-o,-output <path> Sets the location where the compliance report will be saved. Output formats:
  • PDF
  • TXT
  • CSV
  • CRR*
Multiple entries may be used to save several copies of the compliance report in different formats.
-p, -password Encrypt the saved database journal file; DATA RECON will prompt you to select a password.
-password-inline <password> Encrypt the saved database journal file; user sets the password in-line, e.g.:./datarecon_linux26_2.0.13 -j journalfile.jnl -password-inline PASSWORD
-q,-quiet Runs in 'quiet' mode.
-r <path> Sets the root directory for the search.
-v, -verbose Runs in 'verbose' mode.
-version Displays software version.
-vv, -very-verbose

Turn on 'extra verbose' mode.

You can save the output from 'verbose' or 'extra verbose' mode for debugging.

To do so, you first have to be using an OFFLINE LICENSE FILE. See Offline Licenses. Then, issue the following command: ./datarecon_linux26_2.0.13 -vv >> output.txt